Thursday 14 April 2011


I wouldn't read this i were you. I hould have written a blog a bit the odd people i met on my walk home but sorry I didn't.
I am afraid I upset namoi with my pithy and sometime oboxious atheistism which i have been brain washed into believng due to strongly athesist background. My comment were snide but not entertaing, unlike this:

 I at once wanted to apolagise for this because pissing on someones world view even if you believe that they are wrong is unacceptable but I don't believe her world view is wrong. is it even possible to have a wrong view? yes it is. that was a silly question. sorry I am quite drunk.
I have been listening to many of those crazy religious folk. One of they his the charismatic and media freendly cornek west

"Justice is love in public" cornell west
cornel west is a fun man too listen too because he is for a start smarter than me, and truly intelligent people are almost always a joy to listen to even if your not sure what they are saying because seeing they brain bubble is joy enough for me. One day i'll get it for sure. I believe my brain is quite plastic. He is fun t listen too also because he is a seriously funky dude, just look at his hair, I tremember one thing he says often I'm not going to put this in quotation marks because hell im probaly miss remembering the exact  ppharse which is always a danger for one asfluid minded as me but aslo becauser I believe inj the sentimenmt myself well this half quote goes something llike we are all born between piss and shit into a mad ffunk. that is a fundamental truth fir me. It affairms the the flip side of the mirical that is true aswell but mmoore ii thinnk itt talks aboout the iidea oof ooriginal sin in a way. it acckknowleedges tthat people arnn't perfect we are contiuations of the stram that conttains aswell as humans shit and piss we wallow in tthis is fundamental.  cornel west describes hi,mself as a bluees man he uderstand annd acknoowledges suffering "sorrow is a constant companion for bleus men like me"

 Cristians say "God iis Love"  god isn't some sort of celestial being god is the ppotennisall for love withinn the human hheart. thats my opion at the moment. I am compelled to agree with them. satre said "Hell is other people" the opposite is also true. God is not an invention of people it is a symtom of people. I love God because I love the good in people. I have been listening to plenty of those nutty religious folk such as the Dali lama, my favorite Lama. I like him  at least 10 times as much as say Lamas with hats, to be honest I find them at most slightly distractingand at worst rather annoying.

The dali lama speaks about compassion, compassion is the path to inner peace isn't it? yes he frames that in his particular faith just as cornel west frames his ideas in his faith just as I frame my ideas in my doubt. Faith can make love easie because it does create a frame work and a centre of love, God.
 One claim people of faith but little intelligence (this dosdn't go hand and hand, you can find idoits of any denomiation we are all idiots in our own way after all) make is if you don't have religoion whats stopping you from doing any number of terrible mortal sins I remember watching this phone in session with richard dawkins (he is sure to pop up in this kind of debate  at one point or another) in which a bloke ringed up and said something like if i didn''t beieve in god I would go next door and kill my nieghboor to which richard dawkins said well I hope you remain a believe. Isn't it noble dawkins to radly to forsake the root of all evil for the sake of one strangers life? he he he.
 This man has confused or at least been tricked into believing God is fear. Fear is a fantasic way of controling people though nothing compared to love in the way it can bend peoples wills to others wills however love is very much a equal thing while fear exists in a power structure. another importent difference between love and fear the two suductive paths in religious following is love is something that brings people together it is esesially socialist after all captilism is all about MY stuff not theirs. Here is a graet song by Woody Guthrie which paints Jesus as a socialist hero.

People are not naturally capatillist if we were we would all be stock brockers if that is not evidence of the power of love over fear i don't know what is but I am getting distracted sorry im brunk.

What I am trying to say is that we ,the religiious and the not, really believe in the same thing love, the religois just believe it in a more poetic way well perhaps a traditional way because there is a lot of wonderful poetry in science. here is a video put togetrher by someone I am sure has a total boner for science but there is a few mind blowing ideas contained within it.

 there is a wonderful Mark twain quote that goes something like "history dosen't repeat itself but it does rhyme" I think this isn't just a beatiful statment on history but it can be ascribed also to the theory of eveloution. life is a modulating stream of brith and shit and piss but I turn to my mind to the film into the wild in which in the end the main character  realised  that life is only meaningful when you share it with other people ( pretty much trhe same conclusion was reached in thatrecent danny boyle film the one with the boulder, and indeed in the social network. wasn't that story a story about someone who couldn't love, perhaps he thought he was too smart to love?) God is other people. And that is why fundamentalism is always wrong because fundamentism is when people love ideas more than people and this is when terrible things happen. I am not just talking about someing like fundamentalist islamists but also the dangerous basterdisation of darwinism eugenics ( just because we have come from  survivil of the fittist dosn't mean this is the ideal state people are always more important) and everyother sort of fundamental belife. The idea of money over life that has caused alot of pain.

yes we really believe in the same thing and I think really everyone does if the have a strong enough stomach to use that noxious word love. 

Anywat here is nice answer to that Tim Minchin thing at that i put at the part sorry its that whiny australian again

I should speel check this but that wouldn't be very truthful would it and besides I wouldn't want to put my point of down in a neat and simple way so that  everyone could understand and in which there would no room for miss reading which could fracture people into diffeent griups and lead to hatred and violence for no tenable reason that would just be silly. That was probably to far. I am sorry. I'm going to leave this like this because no one should have to relive their own drunk wisdom. It is not a pretty thing. yeah well bye. bam! publish!   

1 comment:

  1. hopfully this will serve to teach me not to talk about religion when drunk,
