Wednesday 13 April 2011


I saw its smile and I hated it then. Just sitting there in its smug complacency. It was so ignorant, smiling like the world was a chocolate and roses with a soft caramel center instead of a warzone with boiling magma just under its crator puckered surface. People are dieing everyday. How many death will it take before he sees too many people have died.  Does he not look up and see the thunder clouds.  Does he turn his head and pretend he dosen't see? Is that a crocodile smile hiding denial? That smiling face! What does it know that I don't? No its him who dosen't know. Sitting there in slumped in inner peace. Dosn't He watch TV or read newspapers or even look out the window? He is so seperate from my reality and a good deal of other peoples I should think too. How can he bare to sit in his oasis when there are so many people wandering the desert. I hated its happyness more than the suffering of others. Should I tell him the bad news? should I shout it into its ears, if it even has ears! Does it not hear the screams? Does it muffle out voices lost on the wind with gentle and calming chiming music?

But then I thought to myself, ultimatly we all want happyness. Everyone wants it, isn't that true. And we don't want suffering. Nobody wants suffering so how could I wish it upon this small beatiful man. Every sentient being has a right to happyness and yes there are those who are suffering day in and day out. suffering from oppression and violence. or more abstract pains jealousy and suspicion and yes we should have compassion for these people however we shouldn't let dampen our spirt. Me suffering on their behalf isn't going to make their situation any better. People don't need a maytre they need a friend, who is benevolent who has happyness and inner peace to share. Who is not just borrowing a little bit of your suffering for a short time  
 I relised I was profoundly jealous. Jealous of his tender eyes and his sweet smile. When had I lost these? When did i decide it was a good idea to get rid of them? Why do I assume that seeing the worst is always wiser? Yes there is a lot of suffering in the world but each day there is a sunrise well maybe not in antartica but then they have the northern lights or penguins(the biscuits of course I know they live down south) to cheer them up there. Yes there is hate in the world but no one only feels hate. Where there is hate there will always be love. People arn't evil they just sometimes do evil. Even a hardened terrioist loves in his own special way. I looked into his eyes and the pain fell away, love poured in. I swear my heart grew 12 sizes that day. I forgave him for his happyness and most importantly I lernt to forgive myself. I took him to my bossom and let him sup on the sweet warm milk of new born compassion.

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