Monday 28 February 2011

Toilet exhibition

This work was for a exhibition in grays toilets we put up last week. This work was an idea I had for my previous exhibition. The original idea was to just have a blank face with one or two facial features preasent whereby the audiance could deface it and in doing so give it a face however I found a, in my view, better way of achieving this by using a projection on to paper which the audiance was encouraged to draw on. I revamped the rejected idea by combining it with some of my more political interests.
This work is talking about how far politic reaches into our lives and how far the governments eyes peep. I found it cheaply amusing the phrase "The Right Honrable" when the politicions were staring at people doing the toilet. The pictures were hung on the inside of a ladies cubical. Not only the ideas of survallence and influence but also of ignorance are inherent in this piece. I couldn't put a face to alot of these names and yet these people are making desions on behalf of us, in our name and which will affect us in many ways, now and in the future. Surly its a diabolical oversight not to know who these people are that can peek  into our lives and make our decisions for us?

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